Token Allowances with Multiple Branches#
Example of testing a token contract with multiple branches in the transferFrom function.
def flow_transfer_from(self) -> None:
sender = random_account()
recipient = random_account()
executor = random_account()
insufficient_allowance = random_bool(true_prob=0.15)
if insufficient_allowance:
amount = random_int(self._allowances[sender][executor] + 1, 2**256 - 1)
insufficient_balance = False
amount = random_int(0, min(self._allowances[sender][executor], self._balances[sender]))
insufficient_balance = random_bool(true_prob=0.15)
if insufficient_balance:
amount = random_int(self._balances[sender] + 1, 2**256 - 1)
with may_revert() as e:
self.token.transferFrom(sender, recipient, amount, from_=executor)
if insufficient_allowance or insufficient_balance:
assert e.value == Panic(PanicCodeEnum.UNDERFLOW_OVERFLOW)
self._balances[sender] -= amount
self._balances[recipient] += amount
self._allowances[sender][executor] -= amount