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Context-Based Balance Tracking Pattern#

Example of testing a token contract with a context-based balance tracking pattern.

class BalanceTracker:
    def track_transfer(self, token, from_: Address, to: Address,
                      amount: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
        before_from = token.balanceOf(from_)
        before_to = token.balanceOf(to)


        after_from = token.balanceOf(from_)
        after_to = token.balanceOf(to)
        return (before_from - after_from, after_to - before_to)

class BalanceTest(FuzzTest):
    tracker: BalanceTracker
    token: ERC20Token

    def flow_transfer(self):
        sender = random.choice(chain.accounts)
        recipient = random.choice(chain.accounts)
        amount = random_int(0, Wei.from_ether(10))

        with self.tracker.track_transfer(self.token, sender, recipient,
                                       amount) as changes:
            self.token.transfer(receiver, amount, from_=sender)

        delta_from, delta_to = changes
        assert delta_from == amount
        assert delta_to == amount