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ReferenceResolver class #

The reference resolver is responsible for resolving references between IR nodes.

A single Solidity source file can be compiled in multiple compilation units (CUs). Each CU may use different AST node IDs for the same AST node. The reference resolver can map between different AST node IDs for the same AST node by indexing the AST IDs by their file path and traversal order. Different compiler versions may produce (structurally) different ASTs for the same source code. All of these cases should be handled by the reference resolver.

Wake holds only a single SourceUnit IR node for each source file. If a source file is compiled in multiple CUs, a canonical AST representation is chosen and the other CUs only perform indexing of the AST nodes. Which CU is chosen as the canonical is internal to Wake and should not be relied upon.

A unique identifier across all CUs is a tuple (path, traversal_order).

Source code in wake/ir/
class ReferenceResolver:
    The reference resolver is responsible for resolving references between IR nodes.

    A single Solidity source file can be compiled in multiple compilation units (CUs).
    Each CU may use different AST node IDs for the same AST node.
    The reference resolver can map between different AST node IDs for the same AST node by indexing the AST IDs by their file path and traversal order.
    Different compiler versions may produce (structurally) different ASTs for the same source code. All of these cases should be handled by the reference resolver.

    Wake holds only a single [SourceUnit][] IR node for each source file.
    If a source file is compiled in multiple CUs, a canonical AST representation is chosen and the other CUs only perform indexing of the AST nodes.
    Which CU is chosen as the canonical is internal to Wake and should not be relied upon.

    A unique identifier across all CUs is a tuple (path, traversal_order).

    _ordered_nodes: DefaultDict[bytes, Dict[AstNodeId, Tuple[Path, int]]]
    _ordered_nodes_inverted: DefaultDict[bytes, Dict[Tuple[Path, int], AstNodeId]]
    _registered_source_files: DefaultDict[bytes, Dict[int, Path]]
    _registered_nodes: Dict[Path, Dict[int, SolidityAbc]]
    _post_process_callbacks: List[PostProcessQueueItem]
    _destroy_callbacks: DefaultDict[Path, List[Callable[[], None]]]
    _global_symbol_references: DefaultDict[
        GlobalSymbol, List[Union[Identifier, MemberAccess]]
    _node_types: Dict[Path, Dict[int, str]]
    _lsp: bool

    def __init__(self, lsp: bool):
        self._ordered_nodes = defaultdict(dict)
        self._ordered_nodes_inverted = defaultdict(dict)
        self._registered_source_files = defaultdict(dict)
        self._registered_nodes = defaultdict(dict)
        self._post_process_callbacks = []
        self._destroy_callbacks = defaultdict(list)
        self._global_symbol_references = defaultdict(list)
        self._node_types = {}
        self._lsp = lsp

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        if self._lsp:
            del state["_registered_nodes"]
            del state["_post_process_callbacks"]
            del state["_destroy_callbacks"]
            del state["_global_symbol_references"]
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        if self._lsp:
            self._registered_nodes = defaultdict(dict)
            self._post_process_callbacks = []
            self._destroy_callbacks = defaultdict(list)
            self._global_symbol_references = defaultdict(list)

    def clear_registered_nodes(self, paths: Iterable[Path]) -> None:
        for path in paths:
            self._registered_nodes.pop(path, None)

    def clear_indexed_nodes(self, paths: Iterable[Path]) -> None:
        for path in paths:
            self._node_types.pop(path, None)

    def clear_all_registered_nodes(self) -> None:

    def clear_all_indexed_nodes(self) -> None:

    def clear_cu_metadata(self, cu_hash: bytes) -> None:
        self._ordered_nodes.pop(cu_hash, None)
        self._ordered_nodes_inverted.pop(cu_hash, None)
        self._registered_source_files.pop(cu_hash, None)

    def clear_all_cu_metadata(self) -> None:

    def index_nodes(self, root_node: AstSolc, path: Path, cu_hash: bytes) -> None:
        if path not in self._node_types:
            self._node_types[path] = {}
            self._node_types[path][0] = root_node.node_type
            check = False
            assert self._node_types[path][0] == root_node.node_type
            check = True
        prev_type = root_node.node_type

        self._ordered_nodes[cu_hash][] = (path, 0)
        self._ordered_nodes_inverted[cu_hash][(path, 0)] =
        index = 1
        for node in root_node:
            if check:
                skip = False
                prev_other_type = self._node_types[path].get(index - 1)
                other_type = self._node_types[path].get(index)

                while other_type != node.node_type:
                    # in rare cases, the following 2 ASTs may exist for the same file
                    #     UserDefinedTypeName -> IdentifierPath
                    #     UserDefinedTypeName -> StructuredDocumentation
                    # In such cases, UserDefinedTypeName normalization must take precedence over StructuredDocumentation normalization
                    if (
                        prev_other_type == "UserDefinedTypeName"
                        and prev_type == "UserDefinedTypeName"
                        if other_type == "IdentifierPath":
                            index += 1
                            other_type = self._node_types[path].get(index)
                        elif node.node_type == "IdentifierPath":
                            skip = True
                            prev_type = "IdentifierPath"
                    elif other_type == "StructuredDocumentation":
                        index += 1
                        other_type = self._node_types[path].get(index)
                    elif node.node_type == "StructuredDocumentation":
                        skip = True
                        prev_type = "StructuredDocumentation"
                    elif (
                        other_type == "IdentifierPath"
                        and node.node_type == "UserDefinedTypeName"
                    ) or (
                        other_type == "UserDefinedTypeName"
                        and node.node_type == "IdentifierPath"
                    elif (
                        other_type == "IdentifierPath"
                        and node.node_type == "Identifier"
                    ) or (
                        other_type == "Identifier"
                        and node.node_type == "IdentifierPath"

                    assert (
                        other_type == node.node_type
                    ), f"Expected {other_type} but got {node.node_type} at {path}:{index} {}"

                if skip:
                self._node_types[path][index] = node.node_type

            self._ordered_nodes[cu_hash][] = (path, index)
            self._ordered_nodes_inverted[cu_hash][(path, index)] =

            prev_type = node.node_type
            index += 1

    def register_source_file_id(self, source_file_id: int, path: Path, cu_hash: bytes):
        self._registered_source_files[cu_hash][source_file_id] = path

    def get_node_path_order(
        self, node_id: AstNodeId, cu_hash: bytes
    ) -> Tuple[Path, int]:
        Get the (path, traversal_order) for a given AST node ID in a given CU.

            node_id: AST node ID
            cu_hash: hash of the compilation unit that contains the AST node ID

            Tuple of (path, traversal_order) for the AST node ID
        return self._ordered_nodes[cu_hash][node_id]

    def get_ast_id_from_cu_node_path_order(
        self, node_path_order: Tuple[Path, int], cu_hash: bytes
    ) -> AstNodeId:
        Get the AST node ID for a given (path, traversal_order) in a given CU.

            node_path_order: (path, traversal_order) tuple
            cu_hash: hash of the compilation unit that contains the returned AST node ID

            AST node ID for the given (path, traversal_order) tuple in the given CU
        return self._ordered_nodes_inverted[cu_hash][node_path_order]

    def register_node(self, node: SolidityAbc, node_id: AstNodeId, cu_hash: bytes):
        assert cu_hash in self._ordered_nodes
        assert node_id in self._ordered_nodes[cu_hash]
        path, order = self._ordered_nodes[cu_hash][node_id]
        self._registered_nodes[path][order] = node

    def resolve_node(self, node_id: AstNodeId, cu_hash: bytes) -> SolidityAbc:
        Get the IR node for a given AST node ID in a given CU.

            node_id: AST node ID
            cu_hash: hash of the compilation unit that contains the AST node ID

            IR node for the given AST node ID in the given CU
        path, order = self._ordered_nodes[cu_hash][node_id]
        return self._registered_nodes[path][order]

    def resolve_source_file_id(self, source_file_id: int, cu_hash: bytes) -> Path:
        `solc` compiler output also assigns integer IDs to source files.
        This function can be used to get the absolute path to the source file for a given source file ID in a given CU.

            source_file_id: source file ID
            cu_hash: hash of the compilation unit that contains the source file ID

            Absolute path to the source file for the given source file ID in the given CU
        return self._registered_source_files[cu_hash][source_file_id]

    def register_post_process_callback(
        self, callback: Callable[[CallbackParams], None], priority: int = 0
            self._post_process_callbacks, PostProcessQueueItem(priority, callback)

    def register_destroy_callback(self, file: Path, callback: Callable[[], None]):

    def run_post_process_callbacks(self, callback_params: CallbackParams):
        while len(self._post_process_callbacks):
            callback = heapq.heappop(self._post_process_callbacks).callback

    def run_destroy_callbacks(self, file: Path):
        for callback in self._destroy_callbacks[file]:
        del self._destroy_callbacks[file]

    def register_global_symbol_reference(
        self, node_id: GlobalSymbol, node: Union[Identifier, MemberAccess]

    def unregister_global_symbol_reference(
        self, node_id: GlobalSymbol, node: Union[Identifier, MemberAccess]

    def get_global_symbol_references(
        self, node_id: GlobalSymbol
    ) -> Tuple[Union[Identifier, MemberAccess], ...]:
        Get all references to a given global symbol.

            node_id: global symbol

            Tuple of all references to the given global symbol
        return tuple(self._global_symbol_references[node_id])

get_ast_id_from_cu_node_path_order(node_path_order, cu_hash) #

Get the AST node ID for a given (path, traversal_order) in a given CU.


Name Type Description Default
node_path_order Tuple[Path, int]

(path, traversal_order) tuple

cu_hash bytes

hash of the compilation unit that contains the returned AST node ID



Type Description

AST node ID for the given (path, traversal_order) tuple in the given CU

Source code in wake/ir/
def get_ast_id_from_cu_node_path_order(
    self, node_path_order: Tuple[Path, int], cu_hash: bytes
) -> AstNodeId:
    Get the AST node ID for a given (path, traversal_order) in a given CU.

        node_path_order: (path, traversal_order) tuple
        cu_hash: hash of the compilation unit that contains the returned AST node ID

        AST node ID for the given (path, traversal_order) tuple in the given CU
    return self._ordered_nodes_inverted[cu_hash][node_path_order]

get_global_symbol_references(node_id) #

Get all references to a given global symbol.


Name Type Description Default
node_id GlobalSymbol

global symbol



Type Description
Tuple[Union[Identifier, MemberAccess], ...]

Tuple of all references to the given global symbol

Source code in wake/ir/
def get_global_symbol_references(
    self, node_id: GlobalSymbol
) -> Tuple[Union[Identifier, MemberAccess], ...]:
    Get all references to a given global symbol.

        node_id: global symbol

        Tuple of all references to the given global symbol
    return tuple(self._global_symbol_references[node_id])

get_node_path_order(node_id, cu_hash) #

Get the (path, traversal_order) for a given AST node ID in a given CU.


Name Type Description Default
node_id AstNodeId

AST node ID

cu_hash bytes

hash of the compilation unit that contains the AST node ID



Type Description
Tuple[Path, int]

Tuple of (path, traversal_order) for the AST node ID

Source code in wake/ir/
def get_node_path_order(
    self, node_id: AstNodeId, cu_hash: bytes
) -> Tuple[Path, int]:
    Get the (path, traversal_order) for a given AST node ID in a given CU.

        node_id: AST node ID
        cu_hash: hash of the compilation unit that contains the AST node ID

        Tuple of (path, traversal_order) for the AST node ID
    return self._ordered_nodes[cu_hash][node_id]

resolve_node(node_id, cu_hash) #

Get the IR node for a given AST node ID in a given CU.


Name Type Description Default
node_id AstNodeId

AST node ID

cu_hash bytes

hash of the compilation unit that contains the AST node ID



Type Description

IR node for the given AST node ID in the given CU

Source code in wake/ir/
def resolve_node(self, node_id: AstNodeId, cu_hash: bytes) -> SolidityAbc:
    Get the IR node for a given AST node ID in a given CU.

        node_id: AST node ID
        cu_hash: hash of the compilation unit that contains the AST node ID

        IR node for the given AST node ID in the given CU
    path, order = self._ordered_nodes[cu_hash][node_id]
    return self._registered_nodes[path][order]

resolve_source_file_id(source_file_id, cu_hash) #

solc compiler output also assigns integer IDs to source files. This function can be used to get the absolute path to the source file for a given source file ID in a given CU.


Name Type Description Default
source_file_id int

source file ID

cu_hash bytes

hash of the compilation unit that contains the source file ID



Type Description

Absolute path to the source file for the given source file ID in the given CU

Source code in wake/ir/
def resolve_source_file_id(self, source_file_id: int, cu_hash: bytes) -> Path:
    `solc` compiler output also assigns integer IDs to source files.
    This function can be used to get the absolute path to the source file for a given source file ID in a given CU.

        source_file_id: source file ID
        cu_hash: hash of the compilation unit that contains the source file ID

        Absolute path to the source file for the given source file ID in the given CU
    return self._registered_source_files[cu_hash][source_file_id]