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OverrideSpecifier class #

Bases: SolidityAbc


An override specifier can be used:

interface IERC20 {
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);

abstract contract ERC20 is IERC20 {
    modifier EOA() virtual;

contract C is ERC20 {
    modifier EOA() override {
        require(msg.sender == tx.origin);

    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public override(IERC20) allowance;

    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external override returns (bool) {
        // ...
Source code in wake/ir/meta/
class OverrideSpecifier(SolidityAbc):
    !!! example
        An override specifier can be used:

        - in a [FunctionDefinition][]:
            - `:::solidity override` on line 19,
        - in a [ModifierDefinition][]:
            - `:::solidity override` on line 12,
        - in a [VariableDeclaration][]:
            - `:::solidity override(IERC20)` on line 17.

        ```solidity linenums="1"
        interface IERC20 {
            function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

            function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);

        abstract contract ERC20 is IERC20 {
            modifier EOA() virtual;

        contract C is ERC20 {
            modifier EOA() override {
                require(msg.sender == tx.origin);

            mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public override(IERC20) allowance;

            function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external override returns (bool) {
                // ...

    _ast_node: SolcOverrideSpecifier
    _parent: weakref.ReferenceType[
        Union[FunctionDefinition, ModifierDefinition, VariableDeclaration]

    _overrides: List[Union[IdentifierPath, UserDefinedTypeName]]

    def __init__(
        init: IrInitTuple,
        override_specifier: SolcOverrideSpecifier,
        parent: SolidityAbc,
        super().__init__(init, override_specifier, parent)
        self._overrides = []

        for override in override_specifier.overrides:
            if isinstance(override, SolcIdentifierPath):
                self._overrides.append(IdentifierPath(init, override, self))
            elif isinstance(override, SolcUserDefinedTypeName):
                self._overrides.append(UserDefinedTypeName(init, override, self))

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[IrAbc]:
        yield self
        for override in self._overrides:
            yield from override

    def parent(
    ) -> Union[FunctionDefinition, ModifierDefinition, VariableDeclaration]:
            Parent IR node.
        return super().parent

    def children(self) -> Iterator[Union[IdentifierPath, UserDefinedTypeName]]:
            Direct children of this node.
        yield from self._overrides

    def overrides(self) -> Tuple[Union[IdentifierPath, UserDefinedTypeName], ...]:
        !!! note
            Is empty when there are no round brackets after the `:::solidity override` keyword.

            Tuple of IR nodes referencing the contract or interface whose declaration is being overridden.
        return tuple(self._overrides)

children: Iterator[Union[IdentifierPath, UserDefinedTypeName]] property #


Type Description
Union[IdentifierPath, UserDefinedTypeName]

Direct children of this node.

overrides: Tuple[Union[IdentifierPath, UserDefinedTypeName], ...] property #


Is empty when there are no round brackets after the override keyword.


Type Description
Tuple[Union[IdentifierPath, UserDefinedTypeName], ...]

Tuple of IR nodes referencing the contract or interface whose declaration is being overridden.

parent: Union[FunctionDefinition, ModifierDefinition, VariableDeclaration] property #


Type Description
Union[FunctionDefinition, ModifierDefinition, VariableDeclaration]

Parent IR node.