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ExpressionAbc class #

Bases: SolidityAbc, ABC

Abstract base class for all IR expression nodes.

Something that has a value.

Source code in wake/ir/expressions/
class ExpressionAbc(SolidityAbc, ABC):
    Abstract base class for all IR expression nodes.
    > Something that has a value.

    _type_descriptions: TypeDescriptionsModel
    _statement_cache: Optional[weakref.ReferenceType[StatementAbc]]

    def __init__(
        self, init: IrInitTuple, expression: SolcExpressionUnion, parent: SolidityAbc
        super().__init__(init, expression, parent)
        self._type_descriptions = expression.type_descriptions

    def _strip_weakrefs(cls, state: dict):
        state.pop("_statement_cache", None)

    def from_ast(
        init: IrInitTuple, expression: SolcExpressionUnion, parent: SolidityAbc
    ) -> ExpressionAbc:
        from .assignment import Assignment
        from .binary_operation import BinaryOperation
        from .conditional import Conditional
        from .elementary_type_name_expression import ElementaryTypeNameExpression
        from .function_call import FunctionCall
        from .function_call_options import FunctionCallOptions
        from .identifier import Identifier
        from .index_access import IndexAccess
        from .index_range_access import IndexRangeAccess
        from .literal import Literal
        from .member_access import MemberAccess
        from .new_expression import NewExpression
        from .tuple_expression import TupleExpression
        from .unary_operation import UnaryOperation

        if isinstance(expression, SolcAssignment):
            return Assignment(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcBinaryOperation):
            return BinaryOperation(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcConditional):
            return Conditional(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcElementaryTypeNameExpression):
            return ElementaryTypeNameExpression(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcFunctionCall):
            return FunctionCall(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcFunctionCallOptions):
            return FunctionCallOptions(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcIdentifier):
            return Identifier(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcIndexAccess):
            return IndexAccess(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcIndexRangeAccess):
            return IndexRangeAccess(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcLiteral):
            return Literal(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcMemberAccess):
            return MemberAccess(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcNewExpression):
            return NewExpression(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcTupleExpression):
            return TupleExpression(init, expression, parent)
        elif isinstance(expression, SolcUnaryOperation):
            return UnaryOperation(init, expression, parent)

    def type(self) -> Optional[TypeAbc]:
        Can be `None` in case of an [Identifier][] in an [ImportDirective][].
        !!! example
            `Ownable` in the following example has no type information:
            import { Ownable } from './Ownable.sol';

            Type of the expression.
        if self._type_descriptions.type_identifier is None:
            return None

        type_identifier = StringReader(self._type_descriptions.type_identifier)
        ret = TypeAbc.from_type_identifier(
            type_identifier, self._reference_resolver, self.source_unit.cu_hash
        assert (
            len(type_identifier) == 0
        ), f"Failed to parse type_identifier: {self._type_descriptions.type_identifier}"
        return ret

    def type_identifier(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._type_descriptions.type_identifier

    def type_string(self) -> Optional[str]:
        !!! example
            `:::solidity function (uint256,uint256) returns (uint256)` in the case of the `foo` [Identifier][] in the `:::solidity foo(1, 2)` expression for the following function:
            function foo(uint a, uint b) public onlyOwner payable virtual onlyOwner returns(uint) {
                return a + b;

        Can be `None` in case of an [Identifier][] in an [ImportDirective][].
        !!! example
            `Ownable` in the following example has no type information:
            import { Ownable } from './Ownable.sol';

            User-friendly string describing the expression type.
        return self._type_descriptions.type_string

    def is_ref_to_state_variable(self) -> bool:
        In many cases it may be useful to know if an [Assignment][] to an expression modifies a state variable or not.
        This may not be straightforward to determine, e.g. if the expression is a [MemberAccess][] or [IndexAccess][] to a state variable.

            Is not considered stable and so is not exported in the documentation.

            `True` if the expression (possibly) is a reference to a state variable.

    def modifies_state(
    ) -> Set[Tuple[Union[ExpressionAbc, StatementAbc, YulAbc], ModifiesStateFlag]]:
            Is not considered stable and so is not exported in the documentation.

            Set of child IR nodes (including `self`) that modify the blockchain state and flags describing how the state is modified.

    def statement(self) -> Optional[StatementAbc]:
        May be `None` if the expression is not part of a function or modifier body.
        This may happen in:

        - [ModifierInvocation][] arguments,
        - [InheritanceSpecifier][] arguments,
        - [ArrayTypeName][] length value,
        - [VariableDeclaration][] initializer.

            Statement that contains the expression.
        if not hasattr(self, "_statement_cache"):
            from import StatementAbc

            node = self
            while node is not None:
                if isinstance(node, StatementAbc):
                    self._statement_cache = weakref.ref(node)
                    return node
                node = node.parent
            self._statement_cache = None
            return None
            return (
                if self._statement_cache is not None
                else None

statement: Optional[StatementAbc] property #

May be None if the expression is not part of a function or modifier body. This may happen in:


Type Description

Statement that contains the expression.

type: Optional[TypeAbc] property #

Can be None in case of an Identifier in an ImportDirective.


Ownable in the following example has no type information:

import { Ownable } from './Ownable.sol';


Type Description

Type of the expression.

type_string: Optional[str] property #


function (uint256,uint256) returns (uint256) in the case of the foo Identifier in the foo(1, 2) expression for the following function:

function foo(uint a, uint b) public onlyOwner payable virtual onlyOwner returns(uint) {
    return a + b;

Can be None in case of an Identifier in an ImportDirective.


Ownable in the following example has no type information:

import { Ownable } from './Ownable.sol';


Type Description

User-friendly string describing the expression type.