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IrAbc class #

Bases: ABC

Base class for all IR nodes. Defines attributes and methods that are common to all Solidity and Yul IR nodes.

IR model is built on top of the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) output of the solc compiler.

Each IR node is associated with a source code location in a source file. This means that each IR node has a corresponding (typically non-empty) Solidity or Yul source code.


Yul IR nodes can have empty source code. In the case of Solidity IR nodes, this should not happen.

Source code in wake/ir/
class IrAbc(ABC):
    Base class for all IR nodes. Defines attributes and methods that are common to all Solidity and Yul IR nodes.

    IR model is built on top of the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) output of the [solc compiler](

    Each IR node is associated with a [source code location][] in a [source file][].
    This means that each IR node has a corresponding (typically non-empty) Solidity or Yul [source code][].

    !!! info
        Yul IR nodes can have empty source code. In the case of Solidity IR nodes, this should not happen.


    _source: bytes
    _ast_node: SolcNode
    _parent: weakref.ReferenceType[Optional[IrAbc]]
    _depth: int
    _source_unit: weakref.ReferenceType[SourceUnit]
    _reference_resolver: ReferenceResolver

    def __init__(self, init: IrInitTuple, solc_node: SolcNode, parent: Optional[IrAbc]):
        self._ast_node = solc_node
        if parent is not None:
            self._parent = weakref.ref(parent)
            self._depth = parent.ast_tree_depth + 1
            self._parent = None
            self._depth = 0

        assert init.source_unit is not None
        self._source_unit = weakref.ref(init.source_unit)
        # reference resolver can be considered internal and so we use weakref.proxy to avoid circular references
        self._reference_resolver = weakref.proxy(init.reference_resolver)

        source_start = solc_node.src.byte_offset
        source_end = source_start + solc_node.src.byte_length
        self._source = init.source[source_start:source_end]
        if source_start != source_end:
            init.interval_tree[source_start:source_end] = self

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[IrAbc]:
            Self and (recursively) all child IR nodes.
        yield self

    def _strip_weakrefs(cls, state: dict):
        del state["_parent"]
        del state["_source_unit"]
        del state["_reference_resolver"]

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):

    def parent(self) -> Optional[IrAbc]:
        The parent node of this node. Can only be `None` for the root ([Source unit][]) node.

            Parent node of this node.
        return is_not_none(self._parent()) if self._parent is not None else None

    def children(self) -> Iterator[IrAbc]:
            Direct children of this node.
        return iter([])

    def ast_node(self) -> SolcNode:

    def ast_tree_depth(self) -> int:
        The depth of this node in the AST tree. The root node ([Source unit][]) of each file has depth 0. Direct child nodes of a `node` have depth `{node}.ast_tree_depth + 1`.

        !!! tip
            Wake uses [interval trees]( to get a list of all IR nodes at a given byte offset in a given file. This property can be used to sort these nodes by their depth in the AST tree and (for example) to choose the most nested one.

            Depth of this node in the AST tree, starting from 0.

        return self._depth

    def byte_location(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        The byte location of a child node is typically a subrange of the byte location of its parent node.

        !!! info
            This is not true for [Structured documentation][], where documentation strings must be located before a declaration.

            Tuple of the start and end byte offsets of this node in the source file.
        return (
            self._ast_node.src.byte_offset + self._ast_node.src.byte_length,

    def source(self) -> str:
        UTF-8 decoded source code from the [source file][] at the [byte offset][] of this node.

            Solidity or Yul source code corresponding to this node.
        return self._source.decode("utf-8")

    def source_unit(self) -> SourceUnit:
            Source unit that contains this node.
        return is_not_none(self._source_unit())

ast_tree_depth: int property #

The depth of this node in the AST tree. The root node (Source unit) of each file has depth 0. Direct child nodes of a node have depth {node}.ast_tree_depth + 1.


Wake uses interval trees to get a list of all IR nodes at a given byte offset in a given file. This property can be used to sort these nodes by their depth in the AST tree and (for example) to choose the most nested one.


Type Description

Depth of this node in the AST tree, starting from 0.

byte_location: Tuple[int, int] property #

The byte location of a child node is typically a subrange of the byte location of its parent node.


This is not true for Structured documentation, where documentation strings must be located before a declaration.


Type Description
Tuple[int, int]

Tuple of the start and end byte offsets of this node in the source file.

children: Iterator[IrAbc] property #


Type Description

Direct children of this node.

parent: Optional[IrAbc] property #

The parent node of this node. Can only be None for the root (Source unit) node.


Type Description

Parent node of this node.

source: str property #

UTF-8 decoded source code from the source file at the byte offset of this node.


Type Description

Solidity or Yul source code corresponding to this node.

source_unit: SourceUnit property #


Type Description

Source unit that contains this node.

__iter__() #


Type Description

Self and (recursively) all child IR nodes.

Source code in wake/ir/
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[IrAbc]:
        Self and (recursively) all child IR nodes.
    yield self

SolidityAbc class #

Bases: IrAbc, ABC

Abstract base class for all Solidity IR nodes.

Source code in wake/ir/
class SolidityAbc(IrAbc, ABC):
    Abstract base class for all Solidity IR nodes.

    _ast_node: SolidityNode

    def __init__(
        self, init: IrInitTuple, solc_node: SolidityNode, parent: Optional[SolidityAbc]
        super().__init__(init, solc_node, parent)
            self,, self.source_unit.cu_hash

    def ast_node(self) -> SolidityNode:
        return self._ast_node

    def ast_node_id(self) -> AstNodeId: