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wake.core.solidity_version module #

SemanticVersion class #

Bases: VersionAbc

A class representing a single Solidity version (not a range of versions). Prerelease and build tags are parsed but ignored (even in comparison). As of solc version 0.8.11 there is no use for them.

Source code in wake/core/
class SemanticVersion(VersionAbc):
    A class representing a single Solidity version (not a range of versions).
    Prerelease and build tags are parsed but ignored (even in comparison). As of `solc` version 0.8.11 there is no use for them.

    NUMBER = r"0|[1-9][0-9]*"
    PRERELEASE_OR_BUILD_PART = r"[-0-9A-Za-z]+"
    PRERELEASE_OR_BUILD = r"{part}(?:\.{part})*".format(part=PRERELEASE_OR_BUILD_PART)
    RE = re.compile(
            number=NUMBER, prerelease=PRERELEASE_OR_BUILD, build=PRERELEASE_OR_BUILD
    __major: int
    __minor: int
    __patch: int
    __prerelease: Optional[str]
    __build: Optional[str]

    def __init__(
        major: int,
        minor: int,
        patch: int,
        prerelease: Optional[str] = None,
        build: Optional[str] = None,
        Create a new instance of `SemanticVersion`.

            major: The major version number.
            minor: The minor version number.
            patch: The patch version number.
            prerelease: The prerelease tag.
            build: The build tag.
        self.__major = major
        self.__minor = minor
        self.__patch = patch
        self.__prerelease = prerelease
        self.__build = build

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Return a user-friendly string representation of the version.
        s = f"{self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}"
        if self.prerelease is not None:
            s += f"-{self.prerelease}"
        if is not None:
            s += f"+{}"
        return s

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Return a string representation of the version.
        prerelease = (
            '"' + self.prerelease + '"' if self.prerelease is not None else None
        build = '"' + + '"' if is not None else None
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.major}, {self.minor}, {self.patch}, {prerelease}, {build})"

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        Return a hash of the version. Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
        return hash((self.major, self.minor, self.patch))

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        Return `True` if the given version is equal to this version, `False` otherwise.
        Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
        cls = self.__class__

        if isinstance(other, str):
            other = cls.fromstring(other)
        elif not isinstance(other, cls):
            return NotImplemented
        return (
            self.major == other.major
            and self.minor == other.minor
            and self.patch == other.patch

    def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
        Return `True` if the given version is less than this version, `False` otherwise.
        Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
        cls = self.__class__

        if isinstance(other, str):
            other = cls.fromstring(other)
        elif not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return NotImplemented
        return (self.major, self.minor, self.patch) < (

    def __le__(self, other) -> bool:
        Return `True` if the given version is less than or equal to this version, `False` otherwise.
        Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
        return self < other or self == other

    def __gt__(self, other):
        Return `True` if the given version is greater than this version, `False` otherwise.
        Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
        lt = self < other
        if lt is NotImplemented:
            return NotImplemented
        return not lt and self != other

    def __ge__(self, other):
        Return `True` if the given version is greater than or equal to this version, `False` otherwise.
        Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
        lt = self < other
        if lt is NotImplemented:
            return NotImplemented
        return not lt

    def fromstring(cls: Type[T], version_str: str) -> T:
        Create a new instance of `SemanticVersion` from a string.

            version_str: The string to parse.
        match = cls.RE.match(version_str)
        if not match:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid Solidity version: `{version_str}`")
        groups = match.groupdict()
        major = int(groups["major"])
        minor = int(groups["minor"])
        patch = int(groups["patch"])
        prerelease = groups["prerelease"]
        build = groups["build"]
        return cls(major, minor, patch, prerelease, build)

    def major(self) -> int:
        Return the major version number.
        return self.__major

    def minor(self) -> int:
        Return the minor version number.
        return self.__minor

    def patch(self) -> int:
        Return the patch version number.
        return self.__patch

    def prerelease(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Return the prerelease tag.
        return self.__prerelease

    def build(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Return the build tag.
        return self.__build

build: Optional[str] property #

Return the build tag.

major: int property #

Return the major version number.

minor: int property #

Return the minor version number.

patch: int property #

Return the patch version number.

prerelease: Optional[str] property #

Return the prerelease tag.

__eq__(other) #

Return True if the given version is equal to this version, False otherwise. Prerelease and build tags are ignored.

Source code in wake/core/
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
    Return `True` if the given version is equal to this version, `False` otherwise.
    Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
    cls = self.__class__

    if isinstance(other, str):
        other = cls.fromstring(other)
    elif not isinstance(other, cls):
        return NotImplemented
    return (
        self.major == other.major
        and self.minor == other.minor
        and self.patch == other.patch

__ge__(other) #

Return True if the given version is greater than or equal to this version, False otherwise. Prerelease and build tags are ignored.

Source code in wake/core/
def __ge__(self, other):
    Return `True` if the given version is greater than or equal to this version, `False` otherwise.
    Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
    lt = self < other
    if lt is NotImplemented:
        return NotImplemented
    return not lt

__gt__(other) #

Return True if the given version is greater than this version, False otherwise. Prerelease and build tags are ignored.

Source code in wake/core/
def __gt__(self, other):
    Return `True` if the given version is greater than this version, `False` otherwise.
    Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
    lt = self < other
    if lt is NotImplemented:
        return NotImplemented
    return not lt and self != other

__hash__() #

Return a hash of the version. Prerelease and build tags are ignored.

Source code in wake/core/
def __hash__(self) -> int:
    Return a hash of the version. Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
    return hash((self.major, self.minor, self.patch))

__init__(major, minor, patch, prerelease=None, build=None) #

Create a new instance of SemanticVersion.


Name Type Description Default
major int

The major version number.

minor int

The minor version number.

patch int

The patch version number.

prerelease Optional[str]

The prerelease tag.

build Optional[str]

The build tag.

Source code in wake/core/
def __init__(
    major: int,
    minor: int,
    patch: int,
    prerelease: Optional[str] = None,
    build: Optional[str] = None,
    Create a new instance of `SemanticVersion`.

        major: The major version number.
        minor: The minor version number.
        patch: The patch version number.
        prerelease: The prerelease tag.
        build: The build tag.
    self.__major = major
    self.__minor = minor
    self.__patch = patch
    self.__prerelease = prerelease
    self.__build = build

__le__(other) #

Return True if the given version is less than or equal to this version, False otherwise. Prerelease and build tags are ignored.

Source code in wake/core/
def __le__(self, other) -> bool:
    Return `True` if the given version is less than or equal to this version, `False` otherwise.
    Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
    return self < other or self == other

__lt__(other) #

Return True if the given version is less than this version, False otherwise. Prerelease and build tags are ignored.

Source code in wake/core/
def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
    Return `True` if the given version is less than this version, `False` otherwise.
    Prerelease and build tags are ignored.
    cls = self.__class__

    if isinstance(other, str):
        other = cls.fromstring(other)
    elif not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
        return NotImplemented
    return (self.major, self.minor, self.patch) < (

__repr__() #

Return a string representation of the version.

Source code in wake/core/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    Return a string representation of the version.
    prerelease = (
        '"' + self.prerelease + '"' if self.prerelease is not None else None
    build = '"' + + '"' if is not None else None
    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.major}, {self.minor}, {self.patch}, {prerelease}, {build})"

__str__() #

Return a user-friendly string representation of the version.

Source code in wake/core/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    Return a user-friendly string representation of the version.
    s = f"{self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}"
    if self.prerelease is not None:
        s += f"-{self.prerelease}"
    if is not None:
        s += f"+{}"
    return s

fromstring(version_str) classmethod #

Create a new instance of SemanticVersion from a string.


Name Type Description Default
version_str str

The string to parse.

Source code in wake/core/
def fromstring(cls: Type[T], version_str: str) -> T:
    Create a new instance of `SemanticVersion` from a string.

        version_str: The string to parse.
    match = cls.RE.match(version_str)
    if not match:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid Solidity version: `{version_str}`")
    groups = match.groupdict()
    major = int(groups["major"])
    minor = int(groups["minor"])
    patch = int(groups["patch"])
    prerelease = groups["prerelease"]
    build = groups["build"]
    return cls(major, minor, patch, prerelease, build)

SolidityVersion class #

Bases: SemanticVersion

A class representing a single Solidity version. Just an alias for SemanticVersion.

Source code in wake/core/
class SolidityVersion(SemanticVersion):
    A class representing a single Solidity version. Just an alias for [SemanticVersion](#semanticversion).

SolidityVersionExpr class #

A class representing a Solidity version expression. It keeps the original expression string and a SolidityVersionRanges instance that represents the expression.

Source code in wake/core/
class SolidityVersionExpr:
    A class representing a Solidity version expression.
    It keeps the original expression string and a `SolidityVersionRanges` instance that represents the expression.

    ERROR_MSG = r"Invalid Solidity version expression: `{value}`"
    NUMBER = r"x|X|\*|0|[1-9][0-9]*"
    PARTIAL = r"(?P<major>{number})\s*(?:\.\s*(?P<minor>{number}))?\s*(?:\.\s*(?P<patch>{number}))?".format(
    PARTIAL_RE = re.compile(r"^\s*{partial}\s*$".format(partial=PARTIAL))
    PART = r"(?P<operator>\^|~|<|<=|>|>=|=)?\s*{partial}".format(partial=PARTIAL)
    RANGE_RE = re.compile(r"\s*{part}\s*".format(part=PART))
    RANGES_RE = re.compile(r"^(\s*{part}\s*)+$".format(part=PART))

    __expression: str
    __ranges: SolidityVersionRanges

    def __init__(self, expr: str):
        Create a new instance of `SolidityVersionExpr`.

            expr: The Solidity version expression to parse.
        cls = self.__class__
        self.__expression = expr
        evaluated_ranges = []

        ranges = expr.split("||")
        for r in ranges:
            if "-" in r:
        self.__ranges = SolidityVersionRanges(evaluated_ranges)

    def __parse_range(cls, range_str: str) -> SolidityVersionRange:
        check = cls.RANGES_RE.match(range_str)
        if not check:
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=range_str))

        matches = cls.RANGE_RE.finditer(range_str)
        ret = SolidityVersionRange(None, None, None, None)
        for match in matches:
            ret &= cls.__parse_simple(match.groupdict(), match.string.strip())
        return ret

    def __parse_hyphen_range(cls, hyphen_range: str) -> SolidityVersionRange:
        partials = hyphen_range.split("-")
        if len(partials) != 2:
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=hyphen_range))
        match_left = cls.PARTIAL_RE.match(partials[0])
        match_right = cls.PARTIAL_RE.match(partials[1])
        if not match_left or not match_right:
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=hyphen_range))

        partial_left = cls.__parse_partial(
            match_left.groupdict(), match_left.string.strip()
        left = cls.__evaluate_ge(*partial_left)
        partial_right = cls.__parse_partial(
            match_right.groupdict(), match_right.string.strip()
        right = cls.__evaluate_le(*partial_right, match_right.string.strip())
        return left & right

    def __parse_partial(
        cls, match_dict: Dict[str, Any], match_str: str
    ) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[int]]:
        major = match_dict["major"]
        minor = match_dict["minor"]
        patch = match_dict["patch"]
        if major in {None, "x", "X", "*"}:
            major = None
            major = int(major)
        if minor in {None, "x", "X", "*"}:
            minor = None
            minor = int(minor)
        if patch in {None, "x", "X", "*"}:
            patch = None
            patch = int(patch)

        # partials should be in ascending order, i.e.: 1.0.x, 1.x.x, x.x.x, not x.0.1 or 1.x.5
        if (major is None and not all(x is None for x in (minor, patch))) or (
            minor is None and patch is not None
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=match_str))

        return major, minor, patch

    def __evaluate_caret(
        major: Optional[int],
        minor: Optional[int],
        patch: Optional[int],
        match_str: str,
    ) -> SolidityVersionRange:
        if major is None:
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=match_str))
        elif minor is None:
            # ^1.x.x := >=1.0.0 < 2.0.0
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, 0, 0)
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major + 1, 0, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)
        elif patch is None:
            if major != 0:
                # ^1.2.x := >=1.2.0 < 2.0.0
                v1 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, 0)
                v2 = SolidityVersion(major + 1, 0, 0)
                return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)
                # ^0.2.x := >=0.2.0 <0.3.0
                # ^0.0.x := >=0.0.0 <0.1.0
                v1 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, 0)
                v2 = SolidityVersion(major, minor + 1, 0)
                return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)
        elif major != 0:
            # ^1.2.3 := >=1.2.3 <2.0.0
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, patch)
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major + 1, 0, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)
        elif minor != 0:
            # ^0.2.3 := >=0.2.3 <0.3.0
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, patch)
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major, minor + 1, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)
        elif patch != 0:
            # ^0.0.3 := >=0.0.3 <0.0.4
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, patch)
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, patch + 1)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=match_str))

    def __evaluate_tilde(
        major: Optional[int],
        minor: Optional[int],
        patch: Optional[int],
        match_str: str,
    ) -> SolidityVersionRange:
        if major is None:
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=match_str))
        elif minor is None:
            # ~1.x.x := >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, 0, 0)
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major + 1, 0, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)
        elif patch is None:
            # ~1.2.x := >=1.2.0 <1.3.0
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, 0)
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major, minor + 1, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)
            # ~1.2.3 := >=1.2.3 <1.3.0
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, patch)
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major, minor + 1, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)

    def __evaluate_lt(
        major: Optional[int],
        minor: Optional[int],
        patch: Optional[int],
        match_str: str,
    ) -> SolidityVersionRange:
        if major is None:
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=match_str))
        # <1.x.x := <1.0.0
        # <1.2.x := <1.2.0
        # <1.2.3 := <1.2.3
        v2 = SolidityVersion(major, minor or 0, patch or 0)
        return SolidityVersionRange(None, None, v2, False)

    def __evaluate_le(
        major: Optional[int],
        minor: Optional[int],
        patch: Optional[int],
        match_str: str,
    ) -> SolidityVersionRange:
        if major is None:
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=match_str))
        elif minor is None:
            # <=1.x.x := <2.0.0
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major + 1, 0, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(None, None, v2, False)
        elif patch is None:
            # <=1.2.x := <1.3.0
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major, minor + 1, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(None, None, v2, False)
            # <=1.2.3 := <=1.2.3
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, patch)
            return SolidityVersionRange(None, None, v2, True)

    def __evaluate_gt(
        major: Optional[int],
        minor: Optional[int],
        patch: Optional[int],
        match_str: str,
    ) -> SolidityVersionRange:
        if major is None:
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=match_str))
        elif minor is None:
            # >1.x.x := >=2.0.0
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major + 1, 0, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, None, None)
        elif patch is None:
            # >1.2.x := >=1.3.0
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, minor + 1, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, None, None)
            # >1.2.3 := >1.2.3
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, patch)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, False, None, None)

    def __evaluate_ge(
        cls, major: Optional[int], minor: Optional[int], patch: Optional[int]
    ) -> SolidityVersionRange:
        # >=x.x.x := >=0.0.0
        # >=1.x.x := >=1.0.0
        # >=1.2.x := >=1.2.0
        # >=1.2.3 := >=1.2.3
        v1 = SolidityVersion(major or 0, minor or 0, patch or 0)
        return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, None, None)

    def __evaluate_eq(
        cls, major: Optional[int], minor: Optional[int], patch: Optional[int]
    ) -> SolidityVersionRange:
        # x.x.x := >=0.0.0
        if major is None:
            return SolidityVersionRange("0.0.0", True, None, None)
        # 1.x.x := >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
        elif minor is None:
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, 0, 0)
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major + 1, 0, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)
        # 1.2.x := >=1.2.0 <1.3.0
        elif patch is None:
            v1 = SolidityVersion(major, minor, 0)
            v2 = SolidityVersion(major, minor + 1, 0)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v1, True, v2, False)
        # 1.2.3 := >=1.2.3 <=1.2.3
            v = SolidityVersion(major, minor, patch)
            return SolidityVersionRange(v, True, v, True)

    def __parse_simple(cls, match_dict: dict, match_str: str) -> SolidityVersionRange:
        operator: Optional[str] = match_dict["operator"]
        major, minor, patch = cls.__parse_partial(match_dict, match_str)

        if operator == "^":
            return cls.__evaluate_caret(major, minor, patch, match_str)
        elif operator == "~":
            return cls.__evaluate_tilde(major, minor, patch, match_str)
        elif operator == "<":
            return cls.__evaluate_lt(major, minor, patch, match_str)
        elif operator == "<=":
            return cls.__evaluate_le(major, minor, patch, match_str)
        elif operator == ">":
            return cls.__evaluate_gt(major, minor, patch, match_str)
        elif operator == ">=":
            return cls.__evaluate_ge(major, minor, patch)
        elif operator == "=" or operator is None:
            return cls.__evaluate_eq(major, minor, patch)
            raise ValueError(cls.ERROR_MSG.format(value=match_str))

    def __contains__(self, item: Any) -> bool:
        Return `True` if the given Solidity version is contained in this range, `False` otherwise.

            item: The Solidity version to check for containment. Can be either a `SolidityVersion` instance or a string.
        if isinstance(item, str):
            item = SolidityVersion.fromstring(item)
        if not isinstance(item, SolidityVersion):
            return NotImplemented
        for r in self.__ranges:
            if item in r:
                return True
        return False

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Return a user-friendly string representation of the range.
        return self.__expression

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Return a string representation of the range.
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{str(self)}")'

    def version_ranges(self) -> SolidityVersionRanges:
        Return the parsed Solidity version ranges.
        return self.__ranges

version_ranges: SolidityVersionRanges property #

Return the parsed Solidity version ranges.

__contains__(item) #

Return True if the given Solidity version is contained in this range, False otherwise.


Name Type Description Default
item Any

The Solidity version to check for containment. Can be either a SolidityVersion instance or a string.

Source code in wake/core/
def __contains__(self, item: Any) -> bool:
    Return `True` if the given Solidity version is contained in this range, `False` otherwise.

        item: The Solidity version to check for containment. Can be either a `SolidityVersion` instance or a string.
    if isinstance(item, str):
        item = SolidityVersion.fromstring(item)
    if not isinstance(item, SolidityVersion):
        return NotImplemented
    for r in self.__ranges:
        if item in r:
            return True
    return False

__init__(expr) #

Create a new instance of SolidityVersionExpr.


Name Type Description Default
expr str

The Solidity version expression to parse.

Source code in wake/core/
def __init__(self, expr: str):
    Create a new instance of `SolidityVersionExpr`.

        expr: The Solidity version expression to parse.
    cls = self.__class__
    self.__expression = expr
    evaluated_ranges = []

    ranges = expr.split("||")
    for r in ranges:
        if "-" in r:
    self.__ranges = SolidityVersionRanges(evaluated_ranges)

__repr__() #

Return a string representation of the range.

Source code in wake/core/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    Return a string representation of the range.
    return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{str(self)}")'

__str__() #

Return a user-friendly string representation of the range.

Source code in wake/core/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    Return a user-friendly string representation of the range.
    return self.__expression

SolidityVersionRange class #

A class representing a range of Solidity versions by keeping the lower and the higher bound. Both bounds can be inclusive or non-inclusive. In case the lower bound is unspecified, the default value 0.0.0 (inclusive) is used. If the lower bound is semantically greater than the higher bound, create an empty range.

Source code in wake/core/
class SolidityVersionRange:
    A class representing a range of Solidity versions by keeping the lower and the higher bound.
    Both bounds can be inclusive or non-inclusive.
    In case the lower bound is unspecified, the default value 0.0.0 (inclusive) is used.
    If the lower bound is semantically greater than the higher bound, create an empty range.

    __lower: SolidityVersion
    __lower_inclusive: bool
    __higher: Optional[SolidityVersion]
    __higher_inclusive: Optional[bool]

    def __init__(
        lower_bound: Optional[Union[SolidityVersion, str]],
        lower_inclusive: Optional[bool],
        higher_bound: Optional[Union[SolidityVersion, str]],
        higher_inclusive: Optional[bool],
        Create a new instance of `SolidityVersionRange`.

            lower_bound: The lower bound of the range. If `None`, the default value 0.0.0 is used.
            lower_inclusive: If `True`, the lower bound is inclusive, otherwise it is non-inclusive.
                May only be `None` if `lower_bound` is `None`.
            higher_bound: The higher bound of the range. If `None`, the range is unbounded.
            higher_inclusive: If `True`, the higher bound is inclusive, otherwise it is non-inclusive.
                May only be `None` if `higher_bound` is `None`.
        if (lower_bound is None) != (lower_inclusive is None):
            raise ValueError(
                "Both arguments lower_bound and lower_inclusive must be either set or unset."
        if (higher_bound is None) != (higher_inclusive is None):
            raise ValueError(
                "Both arguments higher_bound and higher_inclusive must be either set or unset."

        self.__lower_inclusive = True if lower_inclusive is None else lower_inclusive
        if lower_bound is None:
            self.__lower = SolidityVersion(0, 0, 0)
            self.__lower = SolidityVersion.fromstring(str(lower_bound))

        self.__higher_inclusive = higher_inclusive
        if higher_bound is None:
            self.__higher = None
            self.__higher = SolidityVersion.fromstring(str(higher_bound))

            if (
                self.lower > self.higher
                or self.lower == self.higher
                and (not lower_inclusive or not higher_inclusive)
                # create an empty range
                self.__lower = SolidityVersion(0, 0, 0)
                self.__lower_inclusive = False
                self.__higher = self.lower
                self.__higher_inclusive = False

    def __contains__(self, item: Any) -> bool:
        Return `True` if the given Solidity version is contained in this range, `False` otherwise.

            item: The Solidity version to check for containment. Can be either a `SolidityVersion` instance or a string.
        if isinstance(item, str):
            item = SolidityVersion.fromstring(item)
        if not isinstance(item, SolidityVersion):
            return NotImplemented
        if self.isempty():
            return False

        lower_check = item >= self.lower if self.lower_inclusive else item > self.lower
        if not lower_check or self.higher is None:
            return lower_check
        higher_check = (
            item <= self.higher if self.higher_inclusive else item < self.higher
        return lower_check and higher_check

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        Return a hash of the range.
        return hash(

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        Return `True` if the given range is equal to this range, `False` otherwise.
        if not isinstance(other, SolidityVersionRange):
            return NotImplemented
        self_attr = (
        other_attr = (
        return self_attr == other_attr

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Return a user-friendly string representation of the range.
        s = f"{'>=' if self.lower_inclusive else '>'}{self.lower}"
        if self.higher is not None:
            s = s + f" {'<=' if self.higher_inclusive else '<'}{self.higher}"
        return s

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        Return a string representation of the range.
        lower = '"' + str(self.lower) + '"'
        higher = '"' + str(self.higher) + '"' if self.higher is not None else None
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({lower}, {self.lower_inclusive}, {higher}, {self.higher_inclusive})"

    def __and__(self, other: "SolidityVersionRange") -> "SolidityVersionRange":
        Perform an intersection of two Solidity version ranges and return a new instance of `SolidityVersionRange`.
        if self.lower < other.lower:
            lower_bound = other.lower
            lower_inclusive = other.lower_inclusive
        elif self.lower > other.lower:
            lower_bound = self.lower
            lower_inclusive = self.lower_inclusive
            lower_bound = self.lower
            if not self.lower_inclusive:
                lower_inclusive = self.lower_inclusive
                lower_inclusive = other.lower_inclusive

        if self.higher is None:
            higher_bound = other.higher
            higher_inclusive = other.higher_inclusive
        elif other.higher is None:
            higher_bound = self.higher
            higher_inclusive = self.higher_inclusive
            if self.higher < other.higher:
                higher_bound = self.higher
                higher_inclusive = self.higher_inclusive
            elif self.higher > other.higher:
                higher_bound = other.higher
                higher_inclusive = other.higher_inclusive
                higher_bound = self.higher
                if not self.higher_inclusive:
                    higher_inclusive = self.higher_inclusive
                    higher_inclusive = other.higher_inclusive

        return SolidityVersionRange(
            lower_bound, lower_inclusive, higher_bound, higher_inclusive

    def intersection(cls, *args: "SolidityVersionRange") -> "SolidityVersionRange":
        Perform an intersection of all `SolidityVersionRange` arguments and return a new instance of `SolidityVersionRange`.
        ret = cls(None, None, None, None)
        for r in args:
            ret &= r
        return ret

    def isempty(self) -> bool:
        Return `True` if the range is empty (no Solidity version can be contained in this range), `False` otherwise.
        return (
            self.lower == SolidityVersion(0, 0, 0)
            and not self.lower_inclusive
            and self.higher == SolidityVersion(0, 0, 0)
            and not self.higher_inclusive

    def lower(self) -> SolidityVersion:
        Return the lower bound of the range.
        return self.__lower

    def lower_inclusive(self) -> bool:
        Return `True` if the lower bound is inclusive, `False` otherwise.
        return self.__lower_inclusive

    def higher(self) -> Optional[SolidityVersion]:
        Return the higher bound of the range, if any.
        return self.__higher

    def higher_inclusive(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        Return `True` if the higher bound is inclusive, `False` if it is non-inclusive or `None` if the range is unbounded.
        return self.__higher_inclusive

higher: Optional[SolidityVersion] property #

Return the higher bound of the range, if any.

higher_inclusive: Optional[bool] property #

Return True if the higher bound is inclusive, False if it is non-inclusive or None if the range is unbounded.

lower: SolidityVersion property #

Return the lower bound of the range.

lower_inclusive: bool property #

Return True if the lower bound is inclusive, False otherwise.

__and__(other) #

Perform an intersection of two Solidity version ranges and return a new instance of SolidityVersionRange.

Source code in wake/core/
def __and__(self, other: "SolidityVersionRange") -> "SolidityVersionRange":
    Perform an intersection of two Solidity version ranges and return a new instance of `SolidityVersionRange`.
    if self.lower < other.lower:
        lower_bound = other.lower
        lower_inclusive = other.lower_inclusive
    elif self.lower > other.lower:
        lower_bound = self.lower
        lower_inclusive = self.lower_inclusive
        lower_bound = self.lower
        if not self.lower_inclusive:
            lower_inclusive = self.lower_inclusive
            lower_inclusive = other.lower_inclusive

    if self.higher is None:
        higher_bound = other.higher
        higher_inclusive = other.higher_inclusive
    elif other.higher is None:
        higher_bound = self.higher
        higher_inclusive = self.higher_inclusive
        if self.higher < other.higher:
            higher_bound = self.higher
            higher_inclusive = self.higher_inclusive
        elif self.higher > other.higher:
            higher_bound = other.higher
            higher_inclusive = other.higher_inclusive
            higher_bound = self.higher
            if not self.higher_inclusive:
                higher_inclusive = self.higher_inclusive
                higher_inclusive = other.higher_inclusive

    return SolidityVersionRange(
        lower_bound, lower_inclusive, higher_bound, higher_inclusive

__contains__(item) #

Return True if the given Solidity version is contained in this range, False otherwise.


Name Type Description Default
item Any

The Solidity version to check for containment. Can be either a SolidityVersion instance or a string.

Source code in wake/core/
def __contains__(self, item: Any) -> bool:
    Return `True` if the given Solidity version is contained in this range, `False` otherwise.

        item: The Solidity version to check for containment. Can be either a `SolidityVersion` instance or a string.
    if isinstance(item, str):
        item = SolidityVersion.fromstring(item)
    if not isinstance(item, SolidityVersion):
        return NotImplemented
    if self.isempty():
        return False

    lower_check = item >= self.lower if self.lower_inclusive else item > self.lower
    if not lower_check or self.higher is None:
        return lower_check
    higher_check = (
        item <= self.higher if self.higher_inclusive else item < self.higher
    return lower_check and higher_check

__eq__(other) #

Return True if the given range is equal to this range, False otherwise.

Source code in wake/core/
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
    Return `True` if the given range is equal to this range, `False` otherwise.
    if not isinstance(other, SolidityVersionRange):
        return NotImplemented
    self_attr = (
    other_attr = (
    return self_attr == other_attr

__hash__() #

Return a hash of the range.

Source code in wake/core/
def __hash__(self) -> int:
    Return a hash of the range.
    return hash(

__init__(lower_bound, lower_inclusive, higher_bound, higher_inclusive) #

Create a new instance of SolidityVersionRange.


Name Type Description Default
lower_bound Optional[Union[SolidityVersion, str]]

The lower bound of the range. If None, the default value 0.0.0 is used.

lower_inclusive Optional[bool]

If True, the lower bound is inclusive, otherwise it is non-inclusive. May only be None if lower_bound is None.

higher_bound Optional[Union[SolidityVersion, str]]

The higher bound of the range. If None, the range is unbounded.

higher_inclusive Optional[bool]

If True, the higher bound is inclusive, otherwise it is non-inclusive. May only be None if higher_bound is None.

Source code in wake/core/
def __init__(
    lower_bound: Optional[Union[SolidityVersion, str]],
    lower_inclusive: Optional[bool],
    higher_bound: Optional[Union[SolidityVersion, str]],
    higher_inclusive: Optional[bool],
    Create a new instance of `SolidityVersionRange`.

        lower_bound: The lower bound of the range. If `None`, the default value 0.0.0 is used.
        lower_inclusive: If `True`, the lower bound is inclusive, otherwise it is non-inclusive.
            May only be `None` if `lower_bound` is `None`.
        higher_bound: The higher bound of the range. If `None`, the range is unbounded.
        higher_inclusive: If `True`, the higher bound is inclusive, otherwise it is non-inclusive.
            May only be `None` if `higher_bound` is `None`.
    if (lower_bound is None) != (lower_inclusive is None):
        raise ValueError(
            "Both arguments lower_bound and lower_inclusive must be either set or unset."
    if (higher_bound is None) != (higher_inclusive is None):
        raise ValueError(
            "Both arguments higher_bound and higher_inclusive must be either set or unset."

    self.__lower_inclusive = True if lower_inclusive is None else lower_inclusive
    if lower_bound is None:
        self.__lower = SolidityVersion(0, 0, 0)
        self.__lower = SolidityVersion.fromstring(str(lower_bound))

    self.__higher_inclusive = higher_inclusive
    if higher_bound is None:
        self.__higher = None
        self.__higher = SolidityVersion.fromstring(str(higher_bound))

        if (
            self.lower > self.higher
            or self.lower == self.higher
            and (not lower_inclusive or not higher_inclusive)
            # create an empty range
            self.__lower = SolidityVersion(0, 0, 0)
            self.__lower_inclusive = False
            self.__higher = self.lower
            self.__higher_inclusive = False

__repr__() #

Return a string representation of the range.

Source code in wake/core/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    Return a string representation of the range.
    lower = '"' + str(self.lower) + '"'
    higher = '"' + str(self.higher) + '"' if self.higher is not None else None
    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({lower}, {self.lower_inclusive}, {higher}, {self.higher_inclusive})"

__str__() #

Return a user-friendly string representation of the range.

Source code in wake/core/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    Return a user-friendly string representation of the range.
    s = f"{'>=' if self.lower_inclusive else '>'}{self.lower}"
    if self.higher is not None:
        s = s + f" {'<=' if self.higher_inclusive else '<'}{self.higher}"
    return s

intersection(*args) classmethod #

Perform an intersection of all SolidityVersionRange arguments and return a new instance of SolidityVersionRange.

Source code in wake/core/
def intersection(cls, *args: "SolidityVersionRange") -> "SolidityVersionRange":
    Perform an intersection of all `SolidityVersionRange` arguments and return a new instance of `SolidityVersionRange`.
    ret = cls(None, None, None, None)
    for r in args:
        ret &= r
    return ret

isempty() #

Return True if the range is empty (no Solidity version can be contained in this range), False otherwise.

Source code in wake/core/
def isempty(self) -> bool:
    Return `True` if the range is empty (no Solidity version can be contained in this range), `False` otherwise.
    return (
        self.lower == SolidityVersion(0, 0, 0)
        and not self.lower_inclusive
        and self.higher == SolidityVersion(0, 0, 0)
        and not self.higher_inclusive

SolidityVersionRanges class #

Helper class implementing intersection on List[SolidityVersionRange]. No normalization is performed, i.e. the ranges are taken as is without merging.

Source code in wake/core/
class SolidityVersionRanges:
    Helper class implementing intersection on List[SolidityVersionRange].
    No normalization is performed, i.e. the ranges are taken as is without merging.

    __version_ranges: Tuple[SolidityVersionRange, ...]

    def __init__(self, version_ranges: Iterable[SolidityVersionRange]):
        Create a new instance of `SolidityVersionRanges`.

            version_ranges: The Solidity version ranges that this instance should represent.
        self.__version_ranges = tuple(version_ranges)

    def __and__(self, other: Any):
        Perform an intersection of two `SolidityVersionRanges` and return a new instance of `SolidityVersionRanges`.

            other: The other `SolidityVersionRanges` instance to intersect with.
        if not isinstance(other, SolidityVersionRanges):
            return NotImplemented
        ret = []
        for r1, r2 in itertools.product(self.version_ranges, other.version_ranges):
            new_range = r1 & r2
            if not new_range.isempty():
        return SolidityVersionRanges(ret)

    def __iter__(self):
        for version_range in self.__version_ranges:
            yield version_range

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__version_ranges)

    def __str__(self):
        return " || ".join(
            str(version_range) for version_range in self.__version_ranges

    def __contains__(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, str):
            item = SolidityVersion.fromstring(item)
        if not isinstance(item, SolidityVersion):
            return NotImplemented
        return any(item in version_range for version_range in self.__version_ranges)

    def version_ranges(self) -> Tuple[SolidityVersionRange, ...]:
        Return the Solidity version ranges that this instance represents.
        return self.__version_ranges

version_ranges: Tuple[SolidityVersionRange, ...] property #

Return the Solidity version ranges that this instance represents.

__and__(other) #

Perform an intersection of two SolidityVersionRanges and return a new instance of SolidityVersionRanges.


Name Type Description Default
other Any

The other SolidityVersionRanges instance to intersect with.

Source code in wake/core/
def __and__(self, other: Any):
    Perform an intersection of two `SolidityVersionRanges` and return a new instance of `SolidityVersionRanges`.

        other: The other `SolidityVersionRanges` instance to intersect with.
    if not isinstance(other, SolidityVersionRanges):
        return NotImplemented
    ret = []
    for r1, r2 in itertools.product(self.version_ranges, other.version_ranges):
        new_range = r1 & r2
        if not new_range.isempty():
    return SolidityVersionRanges(ret)

__init__(version_ranges) #

Create a new instance of SolidityVersionRanges.


Name Type Description Default
version_ranges Iterable[SolidityVersionRange]

The Solidity version ranges that this instance should represent.

Source code in wake/core/
def __init__(self, version_ranges: Iterable[SolidityVersionRange]):
    Create a new instance of `SolidityVersionRanges`.

        version_ranges: The Solidity version ranges that this instance should represent.
    self.__version_ranges = tuple(version_ranges)