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Transaction objects#

When sending a transaction, either a return value or a full transaction object can be returned. The default behavior is to return the return value. This can be changed by setting the return_tx keyword argument to True.

When returning a transaction object, it is not waited for the transaction to be mined. This can be done by calling wait() on the transaction object:

tx = counter.increment(return_tx=True)

Accessing some of the transaction object's properties also performs an implicit wait().

Generating pytypes with return_tx=True

It is possible to generate pytypes with return_tx=True as the default behavior.

woke init pytypes --return-tx

It should be noted that this does not change the default return_tx value of the low-level transact method. This method is not generated in pytypes, but inherited from Account and will use the default False value.

Alternatively, tx_callback can be registered on a Chain instance. The callback receives a single argument, the transaction object. This can be used to process all transactions in a single place.

from woke.testing import *
from pytypes.contracts.Counter import Counter

def tx_callback(tx: TransactionAbc):

def test_callback():
    default_chain.tx_callback = tx_callback

    counter = Counter.deploy(from_=default_chain.accounts[0])


tx_callback is not invoked for transactions with return_tx=True!

Transaction properties#

Every transaction object has the following properties:

Property Description Note
block Block the transaction was mined in performs implicit wait()
call_trace CallTrace instance representing the call trace of the transaction performs implicit wait()
chain Chain the transaction was sent to
console_logs list of console.log calls made by the transaction performs implicit wait()
cumulative_gas_used gas consumed by this and all previous transactions in the same block performs implicit wait()
data data sent in the transaction
error native (pytypes) revert error, None if the transaction succeeded performs implicit wait()
events list of native (pytypes) events emitted by the transaction performs implicit wait()
from_ Account the transaction was sent from
gas_limit gas limit specified in the transaction
gas_used gas used by the transaction performs implicit wait()
nonce nonce specified in the transaction
r r part of the ECDSA signature performs implicit wait()
raw_error UnknownTransactionRevertedError instance, None if the transaction succeeded performs implicit wait()
raw_events list of UnknownEvent instances emitted by the transaction performs implicit wait()
return_value return value of the transaction performs implicit wait(), raises error if the transaction failed
s s part of the ECDSA signature performs implicit wait()
status status of the transaction, 1 for success, 0 for failure, -1 for pending
to Account the transaction was sent to
tx_hash string hash of the transaction
tx_index index of the transaction in the block performs implicit wait()
type type of the transaction, 0 for legacy, 1 for EIP-2930, 2 for EIP-1559
value amount of Wei sent in the transaction

Legacy transactions (type 0) have the following additional properties:

Property Description Note
gas_price gas price specified in the transaction
v ECDSA signature recovery ID


Only legacy transactions are currently supported.

Multiple transactions in a single block#

It is possible to send multiple transactions in a way that they are mined in the same block. This can be achieved in the following steps:

  1. Disable automine on the Chain instance
  2. Send any number of transactions with return_tx=True and gas_limit="auto"
  3. Re-enable automine
  4. Call .mine() on the Chain instance
  5. Wait for the block to be mined
from woke.testing import *
from pytypes.contracts.Counter import Counter

def test_multiple_txs():
    default_chain.default_tx_account = default_chain.accounts[0]
    counter = Counter.deploy()

    # temporarily disable automine
    with default_chain.change_automine(False):
        tx1 = counter.increment(return_tx=True, gas_limit="auto")
        tx2 = counter.increment(return_tx=True, gas_limit="auto")
        tx3 = counter.increment(return_tx=True, gas_limit="auto")


    assert tx1.block == tx2.block == tx3.block

Changing automine

While it is possible to change the automine property of a Chain instance manually, it is not recommended. In a case when a test connects to an existing chain and an exception is raised before automine is re-enabled, the chain will be left in automine disabled state. This can be overcome by using the change_automine context manager.