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AFL Configuration#


  • Number of seconds this fuzzing session will last.

(default: 0 [no limit])

run_time = 0


  • Number of fuzzing iterations.

(default: 0 [no limit])

iterations = 0


  • Target compilation directory, to not clash with cargo build's default target directory.

(default: "" ["trident-tests/fuzz_tests/fuzzing/afl/afl_target"])

cargo_target_dir = ""


  • AFL working input directory.

(default: "" ["trident-tests/fuzz_tests/fuzzing/afl/afl_workspace/in"])

afl_workspace_in = ""


  • AFL working output directory.

(default: "" ["trident-tests/fuzz_tests/fuzzing/afl/afl_workspace/out"])

afl_workspace_out = ""


  • Predefined inputs to the AFL. You can specify multiple input seeds.

Seed Generation Priority

bytes_count has precedence before seed, in that case if both are specified. Seed is generated as random array of bytes_count bytes.

  • file_name

    • Filename under which the test input is generated, the location of file is afl_workspace_in directory.

    (default: "" ["trident-seed"])

  • seed

    • String used as seed.

    (default: "" ["trident"])

  • override_file

    • If the file already exists at specific location, select if override.

    (default: false)

  • bytes_count

    • Number of randomly generated bytes.
file_name = ""
seed = ""
override_file = true
bytes_count = 20