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The TridentTransaction macro is used to derive required methods for Transactions. This procedural macro automatically implements transaction-related functionality for structs that represent transactions.

Derived Traits#

The macro implements the following traits:

  • TransactionGetters - Methods to retrieve transaction data
  • TransactionSetters - Methods to set up transaction state
  • TransactionMethods - Core transaction execution methods

Manual Implementation Note

There is no need to manually implement the getter, setter, or core methods. The macro handles these implementations automatically based on the structure of your transaction.

Transaction Methods#


Creates a new transaction instance from fuzzer data.

fn build(
    fuzzer_data: &mut FuzzerData,
    client: &mut impl FuzzClient,
    fuzz_accounts: &mut Self::IxAccounts,
) -> arbitrary::Result<Self>


Execute the transaction with the TransactionHooks.

fn execute(&mut self, client: &mut impl FuzzClient) -> Result<(), FuzzingError>


Execute the transaction without the TransactionHooks (simplified version).

fn execute_no_hooks(&mut self, client: &mut impl FuzzClient) -> Result<(), TransactionError>

Transaction Getters#

Internal Method

These methods are used internally by Trident and is not expected to use them manually.


Returns the name of the transaction. If a custom name is provided via the #[name("...")] attribute, that name will be used; otherwise, the struct name is used.

fn get_transaction_name(&self) -> String


Returns the instruction discriminators (identifiers) for all instructions in the transaction.

fn get_instruction_discriminators(&self) -> Vec<Vec<u8>>


Returns the program IDs that will process the instructions.

fn get_instruction_program_ids(&self) -> Vec<solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey>


Returns the instruction-specific data/parameters for all instructions in the transaction.

fn get_instruction_data(&mut self, client: &mut impl FuzzClient) -> Vec<Vec<u8>>


Returns the account metadata needed for the instructions.

fn get_instruction_accounts(&mut self, client: &mut impl FuzzClient) -> Vec<Vec<AccountMeta>>

Transaction Setters#

Internal Method

These methods are used internally by Trident and is not expected to use them manually.


Captures the state of all accounts before transaction execution.

fn set_snapshot_before(&mut self, client: &mut impl FuzzClient)


Captures the state of all accounts after transaction execution.

fn set_snapshot_after(&mut self, client: &mut impl FuzzClient)


Sets up all instructions for the transaction.

Instruction Setup Order

The order in which the instructions inputs are set are:

  1. set_data - Sets up instruction-specific data
  2. resolve_accounts - Resolves account addresses
  3. set_accounts - Sets up account metadata
  4. set_remaining_accounts - Sets up any additional accounts
fn set_instructions(
    &mut self,
    client: &mut impl FuzzClient,
    fuzz_accounts: &mut Self::IxAccounts,

Struct-Level Attributes#

These attributes are applied to the struct definition itself.


The custom name of the transaction. This is optional - if not provided, the struct name will be used.

#[derive(Arbitrary, Debug, TridentTransaction)]
#[name("Custom Transaction Name")]
pub struct ExampleTransaction {
    pub instruction1: ExampleInstruction,