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The TridentInstruction macro is used to derive required methods for Instructions. This procedural macro automatically implements instruction-related functionality for structs that represent instructions.

Required Field Names

The macro parser strictly requires the struct to have an accounts field named exactly accounts. If a remaining accounts field is used, it must be named exactly remaining_accounts.

Derived Traits#

The macro implements the following traits:

  • InstructionGetters - Methods to retrieve instruction data
  • InstructionSetters - Methods to set up instruction state

Manual Implementation Note

There is no need to manually implement the getter, setter, or hook methods. The macro handles these implementations automatically based on the structure of your instruction.

Instruction Getters#

Internal Method

These methods are used internally by Trident and is not expected to use them manually.


Returns the instruction discriminator (identifier bytes) that uniquely identifies this instruction of the program.

fn get_discriminator(&self) -> Vec<u8>


Returns the program ID that will process this instruction.

fn get_program_id(&self) -> solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey


Converts all accounts to AccountMeta format for Solana instructions.

fn to_account_metas(&mut self) -> Vec<AccountMeta>

Instruction Setters#

Internal Method

These methods are used internally by Trident and is not expected to use them manually.


Captures the state of all accounts before instruction execution.

fn set_snapshot_before(&mut self, client: &mut impl FuzzClient)


Captures the state of all accounts after instruction execution.

fn set_snapshot_after(&mut self, client: &mut impl FuzzClient)


Resolves all accounts needed for this instruction.

fn resolve_accounts(
    &mut self,
    client: &mut impl FuzzClient,
    fuzz_accounts: &mut Self::IxAccounts,

Struct-Level Attributes#

These attributes are applied to the struct definition itself.


Specifies the program ID that will process this instruction. This can be provided as a string literal containing a base58-encoded public key.

This attribute is mandatory

#[derive(Arbitrary, Debug, TridentInstruction)]
pub struct ExampleInstruction {
    pub accounts: ExampleInstructionAccounts,
    pub data: ExampleInstructionData,


Specifies the instruction discriminator bytes that uniquely identify this instruction to the program. This is typically an 8-byte array.

This attribute is mandatory

#[derive(Arbitrary, Debug, TridentInstruction)]
#[discriminator([33u8, 132u8, 147u8, 228u8, 151u8, 192u8, 72u8, 89u8])]
pub struct ExampleInstruction {
    pub accounts: ExampleInstructionAccounts,
    pub data: ExampleInstructionData,