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Instruction accounts#

Trident generates random indexes of accounts to use in each instruction. Each created account is saved in the global FuzzAccounts structure which helps you to reuse already existing accounts across all instructions.


You are required to define, how these accounts should be created and which accounts should be passed to an instruction. It is done using the IxOps trait and its method get_accounts.

  • Go to the trident-tests/fuzz_tests/<FUZZ_TEST_NAME>/ file and complete the pre-generated get_accounts methods for each instruction.
fn get_accounts(
    client: &mut impl FuzzClient,
    fuzz_accounts: &mut FuzzAccounts,
) -> Result<(Vec<Keypair>, Vec<AccountMeta>), FuzzingError> {
    let author =,
    let signers = vec![author.clone()];
    let state = fuzz_accounts
            &[author.pubkey().as_ref(), STATE_SEED.as_ref()],
    let acc_meta = fuzz_example1::accounts::EndRegistration {
        author: author.pubkey(),
    Ok((signers, acc_meta))


Notice especially the helper method fuzz_accounts.<account_name>.get_or_create_account that is used to create a Keypair or retrieve the Public key of the already existing account.

Create an arbitrary account#

The AccountsStorage<T> type provides an implementation of the get_or_create_account method that helps you create new or read already existing accounts. There are different implementations for different types of storage (Keypair, TokenStore, MintStore, PdaStore) to simplify the creation of new accounts.

However, there are cases when the provided implementation is not sufficient and it is necessary to create an account manually. These cases can be (but are not limited to) for example:

  • you need to create a new account with a predefined address
  • you need to create a new account that is not owned by the system program
  • you need to create and initialize a new PDA account
  • your program expects an account to be initialized in a previous instruction

In that case, you can use the storage method of the AccountsStorage<T> struct that exposes the underlying HashMap<AccountId, T> and you can add new accounts directly to it.

It is possible to create and store any kind of account. For example:

  • to add an account that uses the #[account(zero)] anchor constraint (must be rent exempt, owned by your program, with empty data):
let state = fuzz_accounts
    // gets the storage of all `state` account variants
    // returns the Keypair of the `state` account with
    // the given `AccountId` if it has been added previously
    .or_insert_with(|| {
        let space = State::SIZE;
        let rent_exempt_lamports = client.get_rent().unwrap()
        let keypair = Keypair::new();
        let account = AccountSharedData::new_data_with_space::<[u8; 0]>(
        // insert the custom account also into the client
        client.set_account_custom(&keypair.pubkey(), &account);
  • to add a new system-owned account with a specific PDA (address):
let rent_exempt_for_token_acc = client

let my_pda = fuzz_accounts
    // gets the storage of all `my_pda` account variants
    // returns the PdaStore struct of the `my_pda` account with
    // the given `AccountId` if it has been added previously
    .or_insert_with(|| {
        let seeds = &[b"some-seeds"];
        let pda = Pubkey::find_program_address(seeds, &my_program::id()).0;
        let account = AccountSharedData::new_data_with_space::<[u8; 0]>(
        // insert the custom account also into the client
        client.set_account_custom(&pda, &account);
        let vec_of_seeds: Vec<Vec<u8>> = seeds.iter().map(|&seed| seed.to_vec())
        PdaStore {
            pubkey: pda,
            seeds: vec_of_seeds,



Consider checking the Examples section for more tips.