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Trident requires the following prerequisites:


Before proceeding, ensure you have installed:

Check out supported versions for version compatibility.

Install system dependencies#

Update your package list:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Install the required packages:
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt-get install binutils-dev
sudo apt-get install libunwind-dev

Install Trident#

cargo install trident-cli

You can also use the version flag to install a specific version:

cargo install trident-cli --version x.y.z

Install Hongfuzz and AFL#

cargo install honggfuzz
cargo install cargo-afl
To install a specific version use the following commands:
cargo install honggfuzz --version x.y.z
cargo install cargo-afl --version x.y.z

Supported versions#

Version Table Legend

  • = Develop branch
  • = Released version
  • - = Not required/supported
Version Type Anchor Solana Rust Honggfuzz AFL
Development >=0.29.0 < 0.31.0 >=1.17.3 < 2.1 nightly 0.5.56 0.15.11
Current (0.10.x) >=0.29.0 < 0.31.0 >=1.17.3 < 2.1 nightly 0.5.56 0.15.11
0.9.x >=0.29.0 < 0.31.0 >=1.17.3 < 2.1 nightly 0.5.56 0.15.11
0.8.x 0.30.1 ^1.17.4 nightly 0.5.56 -
0.7.x >=0.29.* ^1.17.4 nightly 0.5.56 -
0.6.x >=0.29.* ^1.17 nightly 0.5.55 -
0.5.x ~0.28.* =1.16.6 - - -
0.4.x ~0.27.* >=1.15 - - -
0.3.x ~0.25.* >=1.10 - - -
0.2.x ~0.24.* >=1.9 - - -