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Accounts to reuse#

Trident helps you to generate only a limited amount of pseudo-random accounts and reuse them in the instructions.



Always generating only random accounts would in most cases lead to a situation where the fuzzer would be stuck because the accounts would be almost every time rejected by your Anchor program. Therefore it is necessary to specify, what accounts should be used and also limit the number of newly created accounts to reduce the space complexity.


Go to the trident-tests/fuzz_tests/<FUZZ_TEST_NAME>/ file and complete the pre-generated FuzzAccounts structure. It contains all accounts used in your program. You have to determine if the account is a:

  • Signer
  • PDA
  • Token Account
  • Program account

Then use the corresponding AccountsStorage.

pub struct FuzzAccounts {
    signer: AccountsStorage<Keypair>,
    some_pda: AccountsStorage<PdaStore>,
    token_vault: AccountsStorage<TokenStore>,
    mint: AccountsStorage<MintStore>,


Consider checking the Examples section for more tips.