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To execute the desired fuzz test, run:

# Replace <TARGET_NAME> with the name of particular
# fuzz test (for example: "fuzz_0")
trident fuzz run <TARGET_NAME>

Trident output#


The output provided by Honggfuzz is as follows

  1. Number of Fuzzing Iterations.
  2. Feedback Driven Mode = Honggfuzz generates data based on the feedback (i.e. feedback based on Coverage progress).
  3. Average Iterations per second
  4. Number of crashes it found (panics or failed invariant checks)
------------------------[  0 days 00 hrs 00 mins 01 secs ]----------------------
  Iterations : 688 (out of: 1000 [68%]) # -- 1. --
  Mode [3/3] : Feedback Driven Mode # -- 2. --
      Target : trident-tests/fuzz_tests/fuzzing.....wn-linux-gnu/release/fuzz_0
     Threads : 16, CPUs: 32, CPU%: 1262% [39%/CPU]
       Speed : 680/sec [avg: 688] # -- 3. --
     Crashes : 1 [unique: 1, blocklist: 0, verified: 0] # -- 4. --
    Timeouts : 0 [10 sec]
 Corpus Size : 98, max: 1048576 bytes, init: 0 files
  Cov Update : 0 days 00 hrs 00 mins 00 secs ago
    Coverage : edge: 10345/882951 [1%] pc: 163 cmp: 622547
---------------------------------- [ LOGS ] ------------------/ honggfuzz 2.6 /-

Customize Fuzzing#

Under the hood Trident uses honggfuzz-rs.

You can pass supported parameters via the Trident.toml configuration file:

# Content of Trident.toml
# Timeout in seconds (default: 10)
timeout = 10
# Number of fuzzing iterations (default: 0 [no limit])
iterations = 0
# Number of concurrent fuzzing threads (default: 0 [number of CPUs / 2])
threads = 0
# Don't close children's stdin, stdout, stderr; can be noisy (default: false)
keep_output = false
# Disable ANSI console; use simple log output (default: false)
verbose = false
# Exit upon seeing the first crash (default: false)
exit_upon_crash = false
# Maximal number of mutations per one run (default: 6)
mutations_per_run = 6
# Target compilation directory, (default: "" ["trident-tests/fuzz_tests/fuzzing/hfuzz_target"]).
# To not clash with cargo build's default target directory.
cargo_target_dir = ""
# Honggfuzz working directory, (default: "" ["trident-tests/fuzz_tests/fuzzing/hfuzz_workspace"]).
hfuzz_workspace = ""
# Directory where crashes are saved to (default: "" [workspace directory])
crashdir = ""
# Input file extension (e.g. 'swf'), (default: "" ['fuzz'])
extension = ""
# Number of seconds this fuzzing session will last (default: 0 [no limit])
run_time = 0
# Maximal size of files processed by the fuzzer in bytes (default: 1048576 = 1MB)
max_file_size = 1048576
# Save all test-cases (not only the unique ones) by appending the current time-stamp to the filenames (default: false)
save_all = false

# Allow processing of duplicate transactions. Setting to true might speed up fuzzing but can cause false positive crashes (default: false)
allow_duplicate_txs = false
# Trident will show statistics after the fuzzing session. This option forces use of honggfuzz parameter
# `keep_output` as true in order to be able to catch fuzzer stdout. (default: false)
fuzzing_with_stats = true

Or you can pass any parameter via environment variables.

A list of hongfuzz parameters can be found in honggfuzz usage documentation. The parameters passed via environment variables have higher priority. For example:

# Time-out: 10 secs
# Number of concurrent fuzzing threads: 1
# Number of fuzzing iterations: 10000
# Display Solana logs in the terminal
HFUZZ_RUN_ARGS="-t 10 -n 1 -N 10000 -Q" trident fuzz run <TARGET_NAME>