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Fuzz Test Lifecycle#

In the sequence diagram below you can see a simplified fuzz test lifecycle.

Some diagram states are labeled with emojis:

  • Mandatory methods that must be implemented by the user.
  • 👤 Optional methods that can be implemented by the user.


  1. The fuzzer is running until:
    1. The maximal number of iterations is reached (if specified).
    2. A crash was detected and the exit_upon_crash parameter was set.
    3. User interrupted the test manually (for example by hitting CTRL+C).
  2. In each iteration, the fuzzer generates a sequence of random instructions to execute.
    1. User can optionally customize how the instructions are generated and can specify the instructions that should be executed at the beginning (pre_ixs), in the middle (ixs) and at the end (post_ixs) of each iteration. This can be useful for example if your program needs an initialization or you want to fuzz some specific program state.
  3. For each instruction:
    1. User defined mandatory method get_accounts() is called to collect necessary instruction accounts.
    2. User defined mandatory method get_data() is called to collect instruction data.
    3. A snapshot of all instruction accounts before the instruction execution is saved.
    4. The instruction is executed.
    5. A snapshot of all instruction accounts after the instruction execution is saved.
    6. User defined optional method check() is called to check accounts data and evaluate invariants.
fuzzer_iterations = 0
fuzzer_iterations = 0
fuzzer_iterations < 
fuzzer_iterations <...
create pre-instruction 
accounts snapshots
create pre-instruction...
execute instruction
execute instruction
create post-instruction 
accounts snapshots
create post-instruction...
check invariants 👤
check invariants 👤
Generate instructions
pre_ixs 👤
pre_ixs 👤
ixs 👤
ixs 👤
post_ixs 👤
post_ixs 👤
for ix in instructions
for ix in instructions
get instruction accounts
get instruction accounts ⚡
get instruction data ⚡
get instruction data ⚡
next ix
next ix
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