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Trident provides AccountsSnapshots macro that can be derived for each Instruction Context you have specified in your Solana Program for real-time updates of the Instruction Context.


AccountsSnapshots macro requires additional deps and source code additions in your Solana Program. On the other hand can provide real-time updates of Context modifications, instead of re-generating the

Add required imports#

To the Cargo.toml of the Solana Program add the following feature and deps.

name = "..."
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Created with Anchor"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = ["cdylib", "lib"]
name = "..."

default = []
cpi = ["no-entrypoint"]
no-entrypoint = []
no-idl = []
no-log-ix-name = []
idl-build = ["anchor-lang/idl-build", "anchor-spl/idl-build"]
# add the feature below
# ---
trident-fuzzing = ["dep:trident-fuzz"]
# ---

# ---
# add the following Trident deps with the desired version
trident-derive-accounts-snapshots = "..."
trident-fuzz = { version = "...", optional = true }
# ---
# Your deps
anchor-lang = "0.30.1"
anchor-spl = "0.30.1"

Derive the AccountsSnapshots#

For each context in your program you can derive the AccountsSnapshots.

use trident_derive_accounts_snapshots::AccountsSnapshots;

// ...

#[derive(AccountsSnapshots, Accounts)]
pub struct TheContextName<'info> {
    pub account1: ...<'info>,

    pub account2: ...<'info, ...>,

    pub account3: ...,

    // additional accounts

Use AccountsSnapshots in the Fuzz Tests#

Use defined feature#

In the Cargo.toml within the trident-tests/fuzz_tests. Activate the new feature next to the program dependency.

path = "../../programs/<PROGRAM_NAME>"
features = ["trident-fuzzing"]

Use the derived AccountsSnapshots within the Fuzz Test#

Now you can use the derived AccountsSnapshots within the Fuzz Test instead of using generated



Check the Fuzz Example that uses the AccountsSnapshots macro.